Sunday, September 1, 2013

MISS UNO-R 2013 HIGH SCHOOL — Marie Angela Madamesila

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Age: 15 years old

Hometown: Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Course: Fourth Year High School

Department: High School

Country Representing: Sri Lanka

Previous Pageant Title/s: Miss Sportsfest 2012

Tolentine Missosology Ranking:

Miss UNO-R 2013 Placement:



"No guts, no glory."

Describe yourself:

Simple, Sweet, Happy

What does it mean to be a UNO-Rian?

To be a UNO-Rian is to be competitive, skilled, equipped with values, and one who makes decisions basing on the will of God.

What is your greatest achievement?

I was crowned as Miss Sportsfest 2012.

If there is one event in your life that you want to change, what would it? Why?

There was a time, I got so selfish and inconsiderate, and I compromised the meaning of a celebration. I want to change it by using a bigger heart next time.

Despite the natural calamities happening in our country, how can you say that it's still more fun in the Philippines?

Despite the calamities and social problems, we, Filipinos, continue to help one another, we have the spirit to survive, and we still manage to smile.

How does it feel representing your department to the prestigious Mister and Miss UNO-R 2013 Pageant?

I feel so honored to represent the high school department.

What are your preparations for this pageant?

I spend time rehearsing for stage presence and interview.

Among the candidates, who do you think is your best competitor?

I don't know… but I would like to consider all of them as my best competitors.

What or who motivated to win this pageant?

My family, friends, and the whole High School Department.

What do you think is the relevance/importance of Mister and Miss UNO-R to the academic community?

He/she embodies the UNO-Rian spirit and traits.

If you win the crown, what would be your personal advocacy?

Intellectual and spiritual maturity

Why should you be crowned Mister/Mister UNO-R 2013?

 I possess the UNO-Rian qualities that actualize the UNO-Rian philosophy.

Photo Credits: Angela’s Facebook Profile Photos

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