Friday, March 21, 2014


Editor-in-Chief, Tolentine Star
Magna Cum Laude, BS Chemical Engineering
THOS Awardee 2014
Campus Journalism Awardee
CEAS – WV Excellence Awardee
Leadership Awardee


A pleasant morning to Rev. Fr. Emeterio Buñao, OAR, the religious and lay administrators, fellow graduates, faculty members and staff, guests, and loved ones.

Our years in this University have been filled with a lot of joys, sadness, burdens, fun moments, and everything in between, that we can only remark on the beauty of these memories that are now etched within our hearts.

Our stay in the University has transformed us into the individuals you see around you, changed men and women with the strong principle of discipline and dedication. We are a batch of paradoxes, because, no matter what happens, we make things work. For instance, many people have labeled engineers to be masters of math and mishaps of English, but I beg to differ. I stand here before you as a testament that we should not dwell on stereotypes but explore the diverse facets of our lives.

We are all unique in our own way because we have within us this dream, this desire to instill change in our lives, the lives around us, and the world that we live in. Our journey in the four corners of the University has taught us that survival is necessary even as the burdens begin to pile up and the amount of expectations exponentially increases. We have overcome these burdens and now we are on our way to making our own tomorrows todays.

We are a batch that is resilient. In chemistry, we have what is known as Le Chatelier’s Principle. It states that if a system undergoes a certain level of stress, it does something to bounce back and attain a new level of equilibrium. We are just like that. No matter how heavy our burdens may be, we always find a way to relieve such tension by being the best we could, and the best we should.

The realizations that exist in today’s momentous event would not be if it weren’t for the countless souls who have helped us along the way. I would not be here had it not been for the support, love, and guidance that each person has trusted upon me; neither would any of us, actually. No matter how short thank yous may be, their impacts transcend the very fabric of time—even disrupting all sense of error and misjudgment, because one thank you means a lot to any person.

As we integrate into society, we should hold true to ourselves the values that the University has embedded within us. We should maintain our strong faith because it is our faith that keeps us alive despite the terrors of the forlorn. It is our faith that keeps us anchored into reality. And, it is our faith that keeps us one with God.

Remember, everyone has his story to tell. Each smiling face, each drop of tear, and each moment that we spend in our final farewell to the University, we carry with us the will of the future and the hope of tomorrow. Let us be the atoms of change, ever excited by each challenge, no matter how daunting. After all, graduation is only the beginning of another chapter in the book that we call our lives.

Ashraf shares about being a THOS Awardee here

Ashraf, thank you so much for sharing this inspiring speech. God bless you in your life’s journey! —Tolentine Herald

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