Monday, December 16, 2013

REEDCM4CO Reviewer 2

TEST I.ON IMMACULATE CONCEPTION AND ADVENT (2 points for each correct answer)

1.    a nine-day novena Mass to the Blessed Mother which begins on December 16 until December 24
2.    a small, leafless tree which is decorated with symbols portraying Jesus’ family tree
3.    a typical Advent symbol which signifies the four-week duration of the season
4.    another term for “Advent Fast”
5.    antiphons which emphasized the titles of the Messiah according to prophecy of Isaiah
6.    God is with us.
7.    the Advent candle which symbolizes joy 
8.    the biblical reference for  the locus classicus of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception
9.    the biblical reference describing Mary as the mystical Ark of the New Covenant
10.  the color associated with repentance—reminder to prepare internally for Christ’s coming
11.  the date and the Pope who declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception
12.  the English translation of O Radix Jesse
13.  the Father and Doctor of the Church who was the real architect of the Roman Advent
14.  the feast which celebrates the conception of the  Blessed Virgin Mary without the stain of original sin
15.  the feast which commemorates the conception of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit
16.  the forerunner of Jesus, the one who came to "Prepare the Way of the Lord"
17.  the Latin name for the Third Sunday of Advent in anticipation of the joy of Christmas
18.  the meaning of the Greek term kecharitomene
19.  the most solemn Advent hymn whose text is based on the biblical prophecy from Isaiah 7:14
20.  the name of the fourth candle in the Advent wreath  
21.  the papal bull which contains the declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception
22.  the season which anticipates the coming of the Messiah and his parousia
23.  the seer of the Immaculate Conception at Lourdes in 1858
24.  the symbol of the O Emmanuel
25.  the symbolism of the evergreens in the Advent wreath


A.   Identify the following terms:

1.    a power rooted in reason and will to act or not to act
2.    absence of knowledge which ought to be there
3.    acts performed with full knowledge and freedom
4.    an external force applied to compel a person from acting
5.    an ignorance that is directly willed
6.    bodily tendencies to possess or avoid something evil
7.    conditions or situations which are present in the acts performed
8.    culpable or conquerable ignorance
9.    disturbance of the mind caused by an impending evil
10.  ignorance that cannot be overcome
11.  repetitive acts that form second nature to man
12.  the formal essential element of a human act
13.  the freedom to be the persons we can possibly be
14.  the highest form of choosing
15.  the purpose or intention for acting

B.   Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong. RIGHT MINUS WRONG.

1.    A patient who underwent a tooth extraction without anesthesia is an example of an act done from fear.
2.    Acts done with fear are voluntary.
3.    Acts done under the influence of vincible ignorance are voluntary.
4.    All acts done under the influence of violence are voluntary.
5.    Acts under the force of a habit are voluntary.
6.    Acts of man are indifferent.
7.    A forbidden love that leads to an extramarital affair demonstrates an antecedent concupiscence.
8.    A Catholic who missed to observe December 8 as s a holiday of obligation is vincibly ignorant
9.    All sins are human acts.
10.  Acts under the influence of consequent passions are involuntary.
11.  Passions are indifferent by nature.
12.  A deliberate provocation of anger which results to a murder of a political rival is a consequent passion.
13.  A police officer who was threatened to die discloses pertinent information to a rebel is acting from fear.
14.  With freedom, human persons are accountable and accountable for their choices and actions.
15.  A current UNO-R student who doesn’t know the name of his Dean is invincibly ignorant.

C.   Enumerate the following in any order:

            01 – 03            Elements of Human Acts      
            04 – 10            Circumstances                                   
            11 – 12            Kinds of Habits           
            13 – 15            Determinants of Morality       
            16 – 20            Modifiers of Human Acts 

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