Monday, December 16, 2013

REEDBL2CO Reviewer 2

TEST I. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the following important terms/concepts:

1.    a nine-day novena Mass to the Blessed Mother which begins on December 16 until December 24
2.    a small, leafless tree which is decorated with symbols portraying Jesus’ family tree
3.    a solemn Advent hymn whose text is based on the biblical prophecy from Isaiah 7:14
4.    a symbol in the Advent wreath which signifies the four-week duration of the season
5.    an Advent candle which symbolizes joy 
6.    antiphons which emphasized the titles of the Messiah according to prophecy of Isaiah
7.    biblical reference for  the locus classicus of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception
8.    color associated with repentance—reminder to prepare internally for Christ’s coming
9.    date of the official declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception
10.  Father and Doctor of the Church who was the real architect of the Roman Advent
11.  feast days that fall outside Sundays which obliged Catholics to attend Mass and avoid servile work
12.  feast which celebrates the conception of the  Blessed Virgin Mary without the stain of original sin
13.  feast which commemorates the conception of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit
14.  forerunner of Jesus, the one who came to "Prepare the Way of the Lord"
15.  God is with us.
16.  Jewish feast which commemorates the giving of the law to Moses fifty days after leaving Egypt
17.  Jewish month when Jesus suffered and died on the cross and resurrected three days after
18.  Jewish New Year celebration
19.  known as the People of the Book
20.  Latin name for the Third Sunday of Advent in anticipation of the joy of Christmas
21.  lit the Sabbath lamp
22.  liturgical season which anticipates the coming of the Messiah and his parousia
23.  meaning of the Greek term kecharitomene
24.  mystical Ark of the New Covenant
25.  name of the fourth candle in the Advent wreath  
26.  rex socius or allied king in his relation to Rome
27.  Sanhedrin president
28.  seer of the Immaculate Conception at Lourdes in 1858
29.  senate of Jewish priests and laymen
30.  weekly day of rest and prayer for the Jews

TEST II. ANALOGY. Fill in the correct word/s to complete the comparison. (2 points for each correct answer)

1.    Abraham is to knife as _____ is to ram.
2.    Adult Jew is to synagogue as _____ is to Temple.
3.    Aramaic is to Jewish dialect as _____ is to Jewish sacred language.
4.    Archelaus is to Judea and Samaria as _____ is to Galilee and Perea.
5.    Caiaphas is to high priest as _____ is to Roman procurator.
6.    Elizabeth and Zechariah are to John the Baptist as _____ are Mary, the wife of Joseph.
7.    Fulgens Corona is Pius XII as _____ is to Pius IX
8.    Hannukah is to liberation from Seleucids as _____ is to liberation from Persians.
9.    Head tax is to Roman subjects as _____ is priests and Levites.
10.  Herod the Great is to King of the Jews as _____ is to Roman Emperor.
11.  Hours are to daytime as _____ are to night time.
12.  Immaculate Conception is to Blessed Virgin Mary as _____ is to Jesus Christ.
13.  In the Advent wreath, evergreens are to hope and renewal as _____ is to God’s eternity.
14.  Key is O Clavis David as _____ is to O Emmanuel.
15.  Lenten fast is to Jesus’ Passion and Death as _____ is to Jesus’ birth.
16.  Lepers are to worst outcasts as _____ are to grossest robbers.
17.  O Oriens is to O Rising Sun as _____ is to O Lord.
18.  O Radix Jesse is to O Flower of Jesse as _____ is to O King of the Nations.
19.  Pius IX is to Immaculate Conception dogma as _____ is to Immaculate Conception as holy day of obligation.
20.  Precious scrolls is to synagogue as to _____ is to Temple.
21.  Purple is to Advent as _____ is to Christmas.
22.  Sadducees are to wealthy priestly family as _____ are doctors of the law.
23.  Samaritans are to Jews living in Samaria as _____ are to Jews living outside Palestine.
24.  Scribes are to interpreters and teachers of the law as _____ are to guardians of worship.
25.  Scribes are to Jewish intellectuals as _____ are to Jewish extreme nationals.
26.  Separated ones are to Pharisees as _____ is to Essenes.
27.  Slaughtered lamb is to Pesah as _____ is Yom Kippur.
28.  St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe is to Militia Immaculata as _____ is to defense of the Immaculate Conception doctrine.
29.  Sukkoth is to Feast of Tabernacles as _____ is to Feast of Weeks.
30.  Wheat bread is to wealthy Jews as _____ is to the poor.

III. ENUMERATION. Enumerate the following in any order:

            01 – 03 Biblical References for the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
            04 – 06 Holy Days of Obligations in the Philippines
            07 – 08 Famous Biblical Tax Collectors
            09 – 10 Prayer Hours for the Shema Prayer

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