
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Catholic Faith Festival 2015: POSTER MAKING CONTEST

 The poster must depict/illustrate the theme, “Caritas et Scientia” — service, community life,
interiority, Marian, moral integrity, peace and justice, love, and passion for excellence. 


1.      A maximum of three (3) pairs of contestants per REED teacher shall be allowed. Pre-Registration Forms can be secured from REED Advisers and to be submitted to Ms. Elvie Tonogbanua at the REED Office on or before August 14, 2015. Only those who have pre-registered and submitted the complete requirements are eligible to join the contest.

2.      Participants are to report to the University Lobby by 1:00 PM on September 24, 2015 for the formal registration and determination of their official contest numbers and competition briefing. Any late arrivals will be disqualified. The contest will immediately follow around 1:30 P.M.

3.      The poster must depict/illustrate the theme, “Caritas et Scientia” — service, community life, interiority, Marian, moral integrity, peace and justice, love, and passion for excellence.

4.      The contestants are free to use any medium in making the poster.

5.      The poster must be done and submitted in ¼ illustration board size.

6.      The illustration board and other materials must be provided by the contestants. Allowed materials to be used are as follows: markers/pens/pencil, colored pencils, crayons, pastel, oil paints, poster color, water, color, ink.

7.      The poster must be done only on the spot on September 24, 2015 at University Lobby and must be completed within the allotted time of three hours from 1:30 until 4:30 P.M.

8.      All entries will be pre-numbered. No signatures, names or other identifying marks should appear at either side of the material of the entry. All posters will automatically become official property of the Religious Education Department.

9.      All entries shall be judged based on the following criteria:

Concept and Design               -        30 %
Relevance to the Theme          -        30 %
Originality                               -        20 %
Overall Visual Impact             -        20 %

10.  The judging of entries will be done on September 25 at the University Lobby. Winners will be announced and awarded in the afternoon.

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