
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Catholic Faith Festival Cosplay Competition


1.     The competition is open to all bona fide Religious Education students, male and female, duly endorsed by their respective REED Advisers.

2.     Participants can cosplay any biblical characters or saints that they love to dress up and look like.

3.    The contest will be held on September 24, 2015, 10:00 AM at the University Gymnasium.

4.     All cosplayers must pre-register to join the contest. Pre-Registration Forms can be secured from REED teachers and to be submitted to MRS. MARY JANE ERANISTA at the REED Office on or before August 14. Only those who have pre-registered and submitted the complete requirements within the specified date will be eligible to join the contest. 

5.     All registrants are required to submit a reference picture of their respective character.

6.     All cosplayers shall be identified by numbers.

7.     Contestants shall be given a maximum of TWO MINUTES for their performance. Exceeding the time provided will result in a maximum deduction from the overall score of the contestant or even disqualification.

8.     Dangerous articles such as metallic weaponry (swords, knives, etc.), firearms, and pyrotechnics of any kind that may cause damage to the venue or harm to fellow cosplayers and/or event staff and attendees are strictly not allowed as props for the Cosplay Competition. Any articles made from any other material such as cardboard, PVC, Styrofoam, etc. are allowed to be used as props for the competition.

9.     The organizers reserve the right to (a) refuse entry/display of any costumes entered into the competition that they deem inappropriate; (b) to cut short any acts that they deem to be inappropriate; (c) to disqualify any contestants within reason; and (d) to adjust the rules of this competition in any way it sees fit and disqualify any entry for non-compliance with the rules and regulations outlined in this document.

10.  By entering the competition, the participant agrees to abide by all the terms and conditions as set out in this document. Participants who do not follow these rules will be disqualified.

11.  The cosplayers in both categories shall be judged using the following criteria:

40% - Craftsmanship
30% - Accuracy/Authenticity
20% - Stage Performance
10% - Audience Impact

12.  Judges’ decision is final and can’t be appealed.

13.  Top 3 winners in each category will be announced and awarded in the afternoon of September 25, 2014.

14.  Orientation and Rehearsal of contestants will be on September 16, 2015, 4:00 P.M.

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