
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Reviewer on Sin and Grace, Conscience and Law

Reviewer on Sin and Grace, Conscience and Law 


1 – 10. Identifying Categories of Law as described below.

1.    Laws which are applied to particular circumstances of Christian life
2.    Laws which are built in the structure and nature of life itself
3.    Laws which are enacted by the Pope
4.    Laws which are fundamental requirement for moral living as Church’s members
5.    Laws which bind all human beings
6.    Laws which bind all those in faith relationship with God
7.    Laws which call us to respond to God’s command
8.    Laws which come from civil authorities
9.    Laws which come to us from God in revelation
10.  Laws which protect the common good of the society

11 – 17. Identifying Kinds of Conscience as described below.

11.  A conscience which corresponds to objective moral values and precepts
12.  A conscience which demands incontrovertible facts before deciding
13.  A conscience which impels one to avoid in the slightest degree of evil
14.  A conscience which is grounded on “Bahala Na” mentality
15.  A conscience which is incapable of forming judgment
16.  A conscience which possesses subjective assurance of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of an act
17.  An erroneous conscience whose error is due to neglect or malice

18 – 23. Identifying Stages of Moral Reasoning as described below.

18.  The stage which bases its judgment on ethical principles
19.  The stage which is characterized by upholding existing rules of conduct and order
20.  The stage which is driven by the principle: “To give in order to receive”
21.  The stage which is motivated by respect for the rights of others
22.  The stage which judges to please others by conforming to their capricious ethical standards
23.  The stage whose judgment is based on the physical consequence of an act

24 – 31. Identifying Kinds of Sins as described below:

24.  a grave or serious sin
25.  a less serious or pardonable sin
26.  a sin which is a willful act  against the command of God
27.  a sin which is a failure to do something commanded by God
28.  sins that become institutionalized and systematized in the structures, laws and customs of a society
29.  sins that give rise to social situations and institutions that are contrary to the divine goodness
30.  sins that men commit during their lifetime
31.  the sin in which all humans are born with

32 – 39. Identifying Biblical Concepts and Dimensions of Sins as described below:

32.  compulsive and impulsive behavior
33.  conscious choice  which is opposed and defy God’s law
34.  defect of character
35.  failure to target or accomplish God’s commandments
36.  uncleanliness of oneself before God
37.  weakening of the spiritual immune system
38.  willful violation of God’s will

40 – 55. Identifying Terms as described below.

39.  a binding rule of conduct that gives shape to man’s freedom
40.  a culpable lack of physical or spiritual effort
41.  a free and undeserved help from God
42.  a reflective review of sins since our last good confession
43.  a sense of sorrow, hatred for sin and firm resolution to avoid sinning
44.  immoderate desire for earthly goods
45.  inordinate craving for or indulgence in sexual pleasure
46.  inordinate desire for revenge
47.  the chief sacrament of forgiveness
48.  The grace received from a valid and fruitful reception of sacraments
49.  The grace which is permanent and vital to supernatural life
50.  The most secret core and sanctuary of man
51.  The post-conventional level of conscience is known also as…
52.  The psychologist who devised the stages of moral reasoning
53.  The transient divine assistance that helps us obtain, retain and grow in supernatural grace
54.  unrestrained appreciation of our own worth
55.  unrestrained use of food and drink

TEST II.  Simple Recall

01 – 07 Capital Sins and their opposed virtues

08 – 10 Necessary Conditions for a sin to become mortal

11 – 15 Effects of Grace

16 – 20 Characteristics of a good law (St. Thomas Aquinas)

21 – 30 Ten Commandments

31 – 37 Precepts of the Church

38 – 40 Holy Days of Obligations in the Philippines

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