
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Parables of Jesus Challenge + Luminous Mysteries

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer.

1.        In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the first man to pass by the wounded man? (Pharisee, Samaritan, Priest, Scribe)
2.        In this parable, Jesus told Peter to forgive not seven times but seventy-seven times if his brother sins against him. (Prodigal Son, Unjust Servant, Unforgiving Servant, The Wicked Tenants)
3.        When the prodigal son returned, his father gave him a robe, shoes and what other item?  (Ring, Coin, Pearl, Fish)
4.        Which one of the following was the kingdom not likened to? (Leaven, Fishing Net, Hidden Treasure, Lamp)
5.        Two men went up to the temple to pray, a Pharisee and who else? (Publican, Scribe, Jew, Gentile)
6.        In the parable about a fig tree, for how many year/s the man was searching for a fruit but found none? (one, two, three, four)
7.        Five of the 'Ten Virgins' did not take enough of what? (Food, Clothing, Oil, Water)
8.        In the parable of the Sower, what does the seed represent? (Believers, Jesus, Gentiles, Word of God)
9.        In the parable of the grain of mustard seed, when it becomes a tree, birds come and do what? (Build Nests, Eat the Leaves, Roost the Night, Die)
10.      After the prodigal son had spent all his money and famine had come along, what job did he get? (Building Houses, Feeding Pigs, Sweeping Streets, Herding Sheep)
11.      What was the fate of the man who had no wedding robe at the parable of the marriage feast? (Thrown into Prison, Cast into Darkness, Crucified, Exiled)
12.      In this parable, Jesus  quoted this famous text from Psalm 118:22-23, The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner (Workers in the Vineyard, Faithful Servant, Tenants, Great Feast)
13.      Where did the man who received one talent from his master hide it? (In a Pot, In a Cave, In the Ground, In the Fireplace)
14.      In the parable of the House on the Rock, the house built on the sand (as opposed to rock) was knocked down by what? (River, Tornado, Hurricane, Flood)
15.      In the parable of the lamp, where is the candle to be set once it is lit? (In a candlestick, in the hallway, under a bushel, in the window)
16.      In the parable of the good father, if a son asks for an egg, what would the good father not give him? (A Fish, A Stone, A Scorpion, A Mouse)
17.      In the parable of the leaven, the leaven is more commonly known as? (Flour, Yeast, Bread, Salt)
18.      What does the shepherd of the lost sheep do once he realizes one is missing? (Waits up all night for it to return, Abandons it and goes home, Reports it to his master, Goes and looks for it)
19.      In the parable of the Sower, how many different types of ground were there? (two, three, four, five)
20.      What happened to the seeds that fell by the wayside? (produced fruit, choked by thorns, withered by the sun, eaten up by birds)
21.      According to the parable of the leaven, how many measures of leaven which a woman took and mixed with wheat until the whole batch was leavened? (one, two, three, four)
22.      What did the merchant man do when he found the 'pearl of great price'? (stole it, bought it, kept it, sold it)
23.      In the parable of the gold coins, what did the servant who received a gold coin do with his gold coin? (hid in the handkerchief, buried it in the ground, sold it, used it)
24.      How many times did the landowner go out to hire laborers in his vineyard? (three, four, five, six)
25.      What time was it when the landowner went out the last time to hire laborers? (9:00 AM, 12:00 NN, 3:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM)
26.      This parable tells us the story of a landowner whose son was killed by the husbandmen who lent his vineyard. (Workers in the Vineyard, Unforgiving Servants, Wicked Tenants, Unjust Servants)
27.      In the parable of the Ten Virgins, at what time did the bridegroom come? (evening, nighttime, midnight, dawn)
28.       In the parable of the talents, each person was given a varying number of talents based on what? (relation to him, service, ability, intelligence)
29.      In the parable of the Wedding Feast, to whom did the king give the feast? (friend, son, servant, himself)
30.      Which of these parables do not describe the end times or judgment day? (Fish net, wheat among the weed, ten virgins, unjust steward)

TEST II. Identify the Parables pointed out by the following moral lessons:

1.      Christ’s Kingdom has the vital power to transform all nations and every individual.
2.      It emphasizes the attractiveness of the Kingdom of God once its value is realized.
3.      True love of neighbor is unselfish and self-giving.
4.      Earthly wealth has no lasting value; it cannot be taken into eternity.
5.      The return of the sinner to God is an occasion of joy in heaven.
6.      The faithful should stay steadfast in prayer during tribulation and persecution.
7.      God is patient for everyone but each individual must bring forth fruits of true repentance and good works.
8.      One must always be prepared for the Coming of the Lord at all times.
9.      The responsible stewardship of God-given gifts is emphasized.
10.    At the end of the world there will be a final and definite separation of the good from the wicked.

TEST III. Categorize the following miracles of Jesus whether Healing, Exorcism, Power over Death, and Nature Miracle.

1.Cleansed a man from leprosy                      
2.Commanded the wind and sea to quiet down          
3.Cursed the barren fig tree                
4.Drove out demons in Gadara
5.Expelled evil spirits
6.Healed a deaf and dumb man in Decapolis 
7.Healed the Canaanite woman’s daughter    
8.Healed the Centurion’s servant        
9.Ordered the daughter of Jairus to ”get up”  
10.      Restored the ten lepers
11.      Revived Peter’s mother-in-law          
12.      Turned water into wine
13.      Walked on the water
14.      Woke Lazarus up from “sleep”
15.      Made the lame crippled man walk         

TEST IV. Identify the names of the Apostles:

1.  The son of James
2.  The son of Alpheus
3.  The brother of Peter
4.  The doubter           
5.  The brother of John
6.  The Rock  
7.  The brother  of James      
8.  The other name of Nathaniel        
9.  The one who introduced Nathaniel to Jesus
10. The one who betrayed the Lord
11. The Zealot
12. The Tax Collector

TEST V. Identify the blessings or promises to the following demands of the Beatitudes:

1.  Hunger and thirst for holiness
2.  Persecuted for holiness’ sake
3.  Peacemaker
4.  Lowly
5.  Pure of Heart
6.  Sorrowing
7.  Merciful
8.  Poor in Spirit

TEST VI. Identify the following terms:

1.  It is a change of heart, turning from selfishness to openness to God & His call to love.

2. The rule or reign of God’s love in the very hearts of people.

3. An event caused by a special divine intervention and carries a religious message for the people.

4. The place where Jesus was transfigured.

5. It is the place where Jesus performed His first miracle.

6. Reveals God’s amazing care for us as He shares His very self in the form of bread & wine.

7. A Greek word which means a sign of some deeper reality.

8. The one who prepared the way for the Lord, the forerunner of Jesus.

9. The syntheses of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, the set of values that we must cherish as Christians.

10. These are ordinary people with extraordinary calling, who shared in the power of Christ.

TEST V. Enumerate the following

01 – 05            Luminous Mysteries

06 – 07            Levels of Understanding Parables

08 – 10            Things usually compared in parables

11 – 14            Reasons why Jesus used miracles

15 – 17            Reasons why Jesus used parables

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