
Sunday, August 24, 2014


Most Reverend Bishop Vicente M. Navarra, D.D. of Bacolod



A.    Match the content of the Vatican II Documents in Column A with their Latin names in Column B. Write letters only.

1.    Christian Education
a.    Presbyterorum Ordinis
2.    Divine Revelation
b.    Gravissimum Educationis
3.    Ecumenism
c.    Dei Verbum
4.    Apostolate of the Laity
d.    Unitatis Redintegratio
5.    Church’s Missionary Activity
e.    Apostolicam Actuositatem
6.    Non-Christians
f.     Ad Gentes
7.    Priestly Formation
g.    Nostra Aetate
8.    Religious Freedom
h.    Optatam Totius
9.    Religious Life
i.      Dignitatis Humanae
10.  Sacred Liturgy
j.      Perfectae Caritatis

k.    Sacrosanctum Concilium

B.    Match the Apostles to Barbarians in Column A with their evangelizing works in Column B. Write letters only.

11.  St Augustine of Canterbury
l.      reunited Spain
12.  St. Boniface
m.   Recitation of Nicene Creed
13.  St. Columban the Younger
n.    converted the Franks
14.  St. Columba
o.    converted Germany
15.  St. Isidore of Sevile
p.    Spiritual Pioneers to Barbarians
16.  St. Patrick
q.    Apostle to Scotland
17.  St. Remegius of Reims
r.     restored the Frankish court
18.  Sts. Cyril & Methodius
s.     apostle to Ireland
19.  Sts. Hilary and Martin
t.      apostles to Slavic nations
20.  Sts. Leander
u.    led the evangelization of Britain

v.    converted the Vandals

TEST II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write HISTORY if the statement is true. If false, change only the underlined word/s to make it correct.

01.  Rome was the place where the followers of Christ were called Christians for the first time.
02.  Pentecost was the event in 64 A.D. which ignited the bloody persecution of Christians in Rome.
03.  The papal seat was removed from Rome to Spain during the Babylonian Captivity of the Popes (1309-1377).
04.  Martin Luther was a Dominican monk whose 95 theses started the Protestant Reformation.
05.  Nestorianism teaches that Jesus has two distinct persons—human and divine.
06.  The first historic crusade of the Church against the Moslems was launched by Urban II in 1095.
07.  The Council of Pisa was considered a counter-Catholic Reformation in the sixteenth century.
08.  Gnosticism considers the use of images and relics as superstitious and idolatrous.
09.  Doctors of the Church are saintly theologians, writers and teachers who belonged to the period of antiquity.
10.  Fr. Juan de San Geronimo was the Recollect missionaries who died while crossing the Pacific Ocean on their way to the Philippines in 1606.
11.  Pope John Paul II opened the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council in 1962.
12.  Indulgence cancels the temporal punishment due to sins forgiven in the sacrament of Reconciliation.
13.  Blessed Martin de San Nicolas was the Recollect priest assigned in Binalbagan in 1622 and died a martyr’s death in Japan.
14.  The Augustinian missionaries brought the Christian faith  in Negros Island in 1566, establishing the mission of Binalbagan.
15.  Most Reverend Bishop Manuel Yap became the first Bishop of the Diocese of Bacolod in 1933.

 TEST III. ANALOGY.  Complete the comparison below by filling-in the correct word.

01.  John Knox is to Presbyterians as _____is to Anglicans.
02.  Monophysitism is to Jesus’ nature as _____ is to Jesus’ will.
03.  Fr. Miguel dela Madre de Dios is to first Recollect martyr in the Philippine soil as _____ is to Recollect martyr in Escalante, Negros Occidental.
04.  Hermit is to monk who lives alone as _____ is to monk who lives in a community.
05.  Christotokos is to Mary, Mother of Christ as _____ is to Mary, Mother of God.
06.  Pope Leo the Great is to Huns as _____ is to Lombards.
07.  Heresy is to denial of the Catholic faith as _____ is to separation from the Church.
08.   August 28 is to Saint Augustine as _____ is to Saint Ezekiel Moreno.
09.  Saint Agatha is to breasts being cut-off as _____ is to piercing of arrows.
10.  1606 is to Recollects’ arrival in the Philippines as _____ is to Recollects’ second coming in Negros.
11.  Pope is to Roman Catholics as _____ is to Greek Orthodox Christians.
12.  Abbot is to the monastic community of men as to _____ is to the female monastic community.
13.  Gregorio Aglipayan is to Aglipayan Church as _____ is to Iglesia ni Cristo.
14.  Arianism is to Jesus Christ’s divinity as _____ is to Holy Spirit’s divinity.
15.  Ramadan is to fasting as _____ is to pilgrimage to Mecca.
16.  Knights Templar is to assistance to pilgrims in Holy Land as Knights _____ is to working with the sick people.
17.  James the Great is to first martyr-Apostle as _____ is to first Christian martyr.
18.  Fr. Diego Cera is famous Bamboo Organ of Las Piñas as _____ is to Bacolod San Sebastian Cathedral.
19.  Saint Anthony of Egypt is to Early Monasticism as  _____ is to Western Monasticism.
20.  PCP II is to renewal of the Philippine Church as _____ is to making the Diocese of Bacolod truly a Church of the Poor.

TEST IV.  ENUMERATION. List down the following in any order:

01 – 05            Characteristics of the First Christian Community
06 – 09            Famous Latin Fathers of the Church
10 – 14            Bishops of Bacolod
15 – 19            Dioceses of Negros
20 – 24            Spanish Religious Orders that evangelized the Philippines
25 – 29            Pillars of Islam Faith
30                    Recollect Promoter of Sugar Industry of Negros
31 – 35            Pope-Implementers of the Vatican II Decrees
36 – 38            Protestant Pillars of Faith (in Latin)
39 – 40            Goals of the Crusades launched by the Church

 —Nothing follows—



 Test I. Name the heresies authored by the following heresiarchs:

1.    Abbot Eutyches of Constantinople
2.    Arius, Christian priest of Alexandria, Egypt
3.    Emperor Leo III
4.    Macedonius, bishop of Constantinople
5.    Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople
6.    Pelagius, a monk-theologian from Britain
7.    Sabelius, a third-century priest and theologian
8.    Sergius, Patriarch of Constantinople
9.    Theodotus the Gnostic

Test II.  Identify the following items:

1.    a heresy which claims that Jesus has two distinct persons—human and divine
2.    a monastic order which engaged in Medieval inquisition
3.    apostle to the Gentiles
4.    considers the use of images and relics as superstitious and idolatrous
5.    first monk-Pope
6.    general meeting in the Roman Catholic Church which is convoked and presided by the Pope
7.    longest ecumenical council held in the history of the Church
8.    monastic motto
9.    patron of the Diocese of Bacolod whose body was pierced with arrows
10.  the council which formulated the Nicene Creed in 325 A.D.
11.  the decree issued by Constantine the Great which gave freedom to Christianity 
12.  the event in 64 A.D. which ignited the bloody persecution of Christians in Rome
13.  the place where the followers of Christ were called Christians for the first time
14.  twenty-first ecumenical council
15.  underground Roman cemeteries

TEST III. Analogy. Complete the comparison below by filling-in the correct word.

1.    Abbot is to male monastic community as to _____ is to female monastic community.
2.    Ananias is to Paul as _____ is to Cornelius.
3.    Apostasy is to total rejection of the Catholic faith as _____ is to separation from the Church.
4.    April 2 is to Saint Pedro Calungsod as _____ is to Saint Lorenzo Ruiz
5.    Arianism is to Jesus Christ’s divinity as _____ is to Holy Spirit’s divinity.
6.    Ascension is to Christ as _____ is to Holy Spirit.
7.    Christotokos is to Mary, Mother of Christ as _____is to Mary, Mother of God.
8.    Crucifixion is to Saint Peter as _____ is to Saint Paul.
9.    Fathers of the Church is to period of antiquity as _____ of the Church is to any period of history.
10.  Hermit is to monk who lives alone as _____ is to monk who lives in a community.
11.  James the Great is to first martyr-Apostle as _____ is to first Christian martyr.
12.  James, son of Zebedee is to John as _____ is to Andrew.
13.  Latria is to adoration due to God alone as _____ is to honor due to Virgin Mary and the saints.
14.  Lauds is to Morning Prayer as _____ is to Evening Prayer.
15.  Monophysitism is to Jesus’ nature as _____ is to Jesus’ will.
16.  Saint Agatha is to breasts being cut-off as Saint _____ is to tortured with fire and beheaded.
17.  Saint Albert is to Carmelites as Saint _____ is to Carthusians.
18.  Saint Anthony is to Early Monasticism as Saint _____ is to Western Monasticism.
19.  Saint Dominic is to Dominicans as Saint _____ is to Franciscans
20.  Saint Jerome is to Doctor of Sacred Scriptures as Saint _____ is to Doctor of Grace.

TEST IV.  Enumerate the following:

01 – 05            Characteristics of the first Christian Community in Jerusalem
06 – 09            Famous Latin Fathers of the Church
10 – 11            Two New Doctors of the Church enrolled by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012
12 – 15            Women Doctors of the Church
16 – 21            Famous Medieval Monastic Orders
22 – 24            Prominent Centers of Christianity/Mother Churches
25 – 26            Reliable Sources of Information for the Apostolic Age
27 – 30            Monastic Vows
31 – 37            Appointed Deacons of the Early Church
38 – 40            Conditions for committing a heresy
41                    The Council which exempted the Gentile Christians from circumcision